Frequently Asked Questions
Show us your unique skill, ability, innovation, and creativity!
If you hold both Thai passport and foreign passport, you can choose to apply in either the Thai admission round or international admission round.
No, but generally, we check if student applicants have completed their high school education.
For Thai admission round, we accept SAT Math, ACT Math, CU-AAT Math.
Around 100 seats
Aptitude test is like a precursor to interview questions, and tests on your math, science, and innovation.
We will need you to submit test scores from TOEFl/IELTS/SAT/ACT/CU-TEP/CU-AAT.
We will need transcript and certificate of completion from your high school education.
We will cut off at a certain number of applications for the interview based on the overall percentage score of portfolio, math, and science.
If for valid reasons you are unable to come for the on-site interview, please let us know in advance, and we will arrange online interview for you.
BAScii is about integrating different disciplines, transcending the interdisciplinary knowledge to form transdisciplinary knowledge, whereas BBA is mainly learning about business administration, finance and accounting.
Year 3, Semester 2. Students can choose their destination from either ScII’s or Chula’s list of partners from all over the world. Students will pay discounted tuition fees to BAScii (approximately 123,250 THB) for their semester-abroad. However, if there are tuitions charged by the host university, students will need to be responsible for the full amount.